3 Squeeze Page Mistakes That Can Kill Your Opt In Rate

by | May 4, 2018

I have seen literally thousands of squeeze pages, also known as lead capture pages. Sometimes it still amazes me which ones convert the best. Like when I see one that has very little content and is so ugly! For some reason, ugly works.

Something that always remains true, though, is that there are certain mistakes people make with their squeeze pages that will lower your opt in rate every time. Today I’m going to talk about 3 of the more common mistakes that I see and how to correct them or avoid them.


CTA Is Below The Fold

On a squeeze page, your CTA (Call To Action) is your opt in box and the button under it. Or with a 2-Step squeeze page it’s a big button that opens up a popup opt in form.

If you have too much content or your headline and sub-headline are way too big, it can push your opt in box down so far that your prospect has to scroll down to bring it into view. If your prospect has to scroll down then you run the risk of losing them before they have a chance to opt in.

Anything low enough that people have to scroll to see it is called Below The Fold. Hence, everything within view is called Above The Fold.

You always want your main content and your CTA to be above the fold. Your main content includes your headline, sub-headline, bullet points or short video, and your CTA. If you want to include more, like testimonials for example, put them below the fold because they are nice to have but aren’t necessarily going to increase your opt in rate.


Lack Of Incentive To Opt In

This is basic Marketing 101. The sole purpose of a squeeze page is to get people to give you their contact information so you have a way to follow up with them and so you’re building your email list. The goal of a squeeze page is not to make the sale. That’s what the sales page or presentation page is for. If the visitor never opts in then they would never see your sales page.

Your squeeze page should clearly state what you are giving them if they opt in. It should be something of great perceived value, targeted at your niche audience of course. That can be any number of things. A free report, a video, a checklist, or a free product sample, to name a few good options.

The incentive does not have to be in the main headline. It can be in the sub-headline or in a short sentence just above the opt in box. Or you can put it in the headline if you want. I see a lot of people start off their headline with FREE REPORT or FREE VIDEO REVEALS…

An example of what not to do, what I see far too often, is having a main headline with no sub-headline and it’s too vague. Like, “Make Money Online Like A Boss.” And nowhere on the squeeze page does it tell your visitor why they should give you their contact information.

If whatever you’re offering is extremely valuable then it’s okay to state that 2 or 3 times on your squeeze page. Either way, just make sure the offer is very clear so you’re giving your visitors plenty of incentive to opt in.


Social Share Buttons On Your Squeeze Page

This is one that’s never really made sense to me. Why people think it’s a good idea to put social share buttons on a squeeze page. I can only guess that they simply haven’t thought it through. So let’s do that right now. Let’s think about it.

If someone is looking at your squeeze page for the first time, even if they read all the content or watched the video, they don’t really know much yet. I mean, like I said before, your goal with a squeeze page is to give them something AFTER they opt in. Why would anyone want to share your squeeze page when at this point they really don’t know exactly what they would be sharing?

Another way to look at it is, if it’s affiliate or network marketing related, and they share your squeeze page on Facebook, then wouldn’t they be potentially sending you a bunch of their Facebook friends and followers? If they opt in afterwards and then decide to get involved then they might have just lost quite a few referrals or sales to you that could have been theirs.

Lastly, it’s a distraction that doesn’t need to be there. Again, your goal is to get people to opt in, right? The last thing you want is some button or link that takes them away from your squeeze page or a window that covers it up before they have a chance to opt in.



Make these 3 things your top 3 rules to follow when designing a new squeeze page and you will improve your opt in rate tremendously. If you are using a shared funnel or squeeze page that includes some or all of these deadly mistakes then make a copy so you can edit them. You will get much better results than the person who originally designed the page.

Always make sure you test your own squeeze pages thoroughly before sending any traffic to them. View them in a full browser window, opt in with a valid email address, and only when you know everything is the way it should be, then start sending the traffic.